finite elemente at the Hi-End Audio Visual Show 2024 in Hong Kong

Jadis Electronics Limited, our distributor for Hong Kong, China and Macau, presented our pagode° MKII, CERA° and Carbofibre° product lines at the Hi-End Audio Visual Show 2024, which took place from 9-11 August at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

The Show is the biggest of its kind in Hong Kong. It attracts representatives from the audio field and audiophiles from China and all over the world including Japan, Korea, Europe and the US. It has been reckoned as one of the three most important Audio Visual Shows worldwide.

Special highlights were the new pagode° Carbon Edition, our state-of-the-art model for the most demanding music lover, as well as the new Signature MKII, representing our entry-class within the pagode° MKII range of equipment supports.

Numerous visitors experienced top-class music performances with components from MBL, Jadis Electronics, Ayre, Aesthetix, emm Labs, Meitner, Wilson Audio, Transparent Cable, Shunyata Research and Stromtank in combination with pagode° MKII racks, CERA° interfaces and Carbofibre° absorber bases.