finite elemente CARBOFIBRE° isolation base
“Overall sonic signature becomes more fluid, flowing and
an evident lowering of the noise floor”
HI-FI+ (England) – Issue 189
finite elemente have already had years of experience and knowledge when developing their excellent Resonator Technology for pagode racks, and it comes as no surprise that what needed to be achieved with the Carbofibre platforms (both as here and as a superior sounding option for the racks) benefited from that.
A sense of calm and peaceful control with politely pronounced rhythmic firmness is what one notices first relative to the sound of the same component sitting on said surface without the Carbofibre. Perhaps even more importantly, embedded harmonic structure of the music seems to have gained additional cohesion and sense, with a more palpable, and easier to mentally register, dimensionality of the soundstage. Overall sonic signature becomes more fluid, flowing and an evident lowering of the noise floor of the sound, in general, allows listening at lower level without a loss of the actual resolution.
finite elemente Carbofibre is a fairly costly, but proportionally beneficial addition to any superb, excellent, very good or aspiring to be any of those, audio system. Simple to set up and simple to use it does exactly what their creators wanted it to do in a consistent and honest way.
It takes away nothing good and it adds nothing to make it worse. And, while the music is playing, in between those two extremes of possibility, you might surprise yourself and keep it forever.